[dia•foria supports Bootleg, an experimental editorial project (only in Italian) curated by Cristian Confalonieri and Paolo Peraro, which shares a similar background with the multi-faceted reality of our magazine. Bootleg lives and will live online as well as on paper just like [dia•foria and it is named after the unofficial recordings of live concerts. The curators describe it like this:
“Bootleg is the symbolic melting point between a book and a web blog, between fast and reviewed writing (since it’s the outcome of the author’s experience) and conventional writing (as an essay is usually part of an ampler project). Bootleg is an experiment of communication and of creation of contents, which brings together opposite characteristics of the two diverse realms, it is our typewriter as well as our printing press.”
“Bootleg is a collection of essays and interviews. A young observatory (people under 40) comprising professionals from fashion, design, media, art and psychology. The theme of the publication is planning in all its forms, with a special note on perception, experimentation, research and the functioning of brain. The project is based on a formal paradox: it describes the future by means of an obsolete technology. Its connotation will be strictly 1.0; no interaction with the users will be permitted, so it will not be possible to comment or vote the contributions through the usual social channels. This classic connotation is also found in other aspects. Today the typical contents of the web are brief and zeroing in on the latest news. Bootleg instead aims at standing out due to its vertical in-depth analyses and long lasting topics.”

“The first phase of the project consists of a webzine, featuring 10 bimonthly releases. Every issue of the webzine is a pdf file that can be downloaded from its dedicated site. All the contents of the book will be published as the project develops.
Bootleg will be advertised through the web, the Studiolabo newsletter – which gathers 25000 subscribers – newsfeed, Twitter and Facebook.
The project ends with the release of a volume collecting all the essays (or a selection of them) that will be printed and distributed by a specialized publisher. Perhaps not all the essays will be included in the final book: it is both the publisher’s and Bootleg crew’s responsibility to select the articles.
Every author participating at Bootleg will be given a copy of such book.”

Writing for Bootleg:
“Any Bootleg contributor must operate in the field of perception and planning. Moreover, he/she must possess a deep theoretical knowledge of the topic blended with its practical experience. He/she must also be less than 40 years old.
The contributor can either write an article, an essay, a personal account, or a short novel that treats planning, psychology, perception, or any communicational and/or representational techniques he/she might be familiar with.
The theme is presented by the contributor and agreed upon with the crew of Bootleg. It is not allowed to cite companies or real projects, unless it is strictly necessary for the clarity of the essay. Only articles/essays which go beyond present fashions or tendencies, or which represent a specific project or company will be admitted. It is possible to attach images or graphical information to the article. There is not a prefixed limit to its length.
The contributor’s signature will be appended at the end of the essay and apart from his/her first and last name, he/she can add an extra caption (in this case, it is allowed to mention projects or companies related to the contributor and a website).”
[dia•foria has graphically re-adapted one of the essays appeared in the first issue of Bootleg, Questa sera a cena: la tecnotirannia (tonight at dinner: techno-tyranny), by Cristian Confalonieri, and hence ushering in paperOFF: [dia•foria series of issues that will live online only. This first exemplar can be downloaded HERE.
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